Division & Interest Group Communities

25 total

Careers (CAR)  

The Careers Division of the Academy of Management addresses people's lifelong succession of work experiences, the structure of opportunity to work, and the relationship between careers and other aspects of life.

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Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization (CTO)  

CTO focuses on the study of behavioral, economic, and social aspects of communication and information systems within and among organizations or institutions. Major topics include: interpersonal communication; verbal, nonverbal, and electronic communication; vertical, horizontal and diagonal communication; inter-group and intra-group communication; communication networks; applications of information technology in business and society; organizational adoption of communication and information technology; communication and information strategy and policy; communication and organizational culture; communication and information research methodology; managing information technology services; virtual teams, virtual work, and virtual organizations; the management of information systems professionals; e-communications; information systems development; managing IT-related organizational change; e-business, e-commerce, and e-markets; electronic value systems, value chains, and value webs; privacy and ethics; knowledge work, knowledge workers, and knowledge networks; IT infrastructure; governance of IT services; and organizational networks.

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Conflict Management (CM)  

The Conflict Management (CM) Division within the Academy of Management is dedicated to supporting research, teaching and practice in the areas of conflict, power, and negotiation.

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Critical Management Studies (CMS)  

The Critical Management Studies Division is a forum within the Academy of Management for the expression of views critical of unethical management practices and the exploitative social order.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)  

Mission: To generate and disseminate knowledge about gender and diversity within and outside of organizations, to embrace diverse perspectives in organizational research and education, and to support social justice through the inclusion of marginalized voices in members’ research and practice.

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Entrepreneurship (ENT)  

We Grow Entrepreneurship Scholars: We are a network of entrepreneurship scholars that supports the professional development of our members who create and disseminate knowledge.

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Health Care Management (HCM)  

Dedicated to understanding the role of professionals and organizations in providing health care both locally and internationally.

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Human Resources Division (HR)  

Human Resources Division is dedicated to understanding, identifying, and improving the effectiveness of HR practices to facilitate organizational competitiveness nationally or internationally, encourage individual growth and development, and enhance individual performance, work-related attitudes, and well-being.

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International Management (IM)  

The International Management Division (IM) of the Academy of Management focuses on content pertaining to the theory, research, and practice of management with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension.

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Management Consulting Division (MC)  

The purpose of the Management Consulting Division is to (1) advance knowledge and understanding of management consulting and (2) aid in the development of consultants from the perspectives of research, practice and teaching. The Division has a dual focus on both the process of consulting and the consulting industry, with an underlying goal of creating a bridge that integrates scholarship and practice.

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Management Education & Development (MED)  

Welcome to MED! Our primary purpose is to encourage professional scholarship in management education and development among members of the Academy of Management.

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Management History (MH)  

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Management, Spirituality, and Religion (MSR)  

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Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC)  

The Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division (MOC) Division is devoted to understanding individual, relational, and collective cognition in organizational contexts. We are open to and provide innovative developmental support for a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches to studying managerial and organizational cognition

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Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)  

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Organization and Management Theory (OMT)  

The organization and management theory (OMT) division aspires to advance robust theoretical understanding of organizations, organizing, and management. The Division promotes and develops the community of researchers, educators, and practitioners who advance OMT scholarship and practice and its application across domains and topics.

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Organization Development and Change (ODC)  

The Organization Development and Change (ODC) Division of the Academy of Management represents a community of scholars and practitioners who create and disseminate impactful and rigorous knowledge to enrich constructive change management and organization development

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Organizational Behavior (OB)  

The Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management exists to advance the development of scholars and scholarship within the content domain of organizational behavior. Scholarship occurs in the practice of both research and teaching. Through scholarship, we strive to positively influence management thought and practice.

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Organizational Neuroscience (NEU)  

This Community gathers AOM scholars and practitioners, across Divisions and Interest Groups, working in Organizational Neuroscience (ON) and/or interested in neuroscience as a way to advance management theory and practice.
As such it offers several benefits to members including, but not limited to: sharing research news and views, networking, promoting opportunities for collaborations, posting job market openings, pinpointing interdisciplinary initiatives of interest, all of these focused in the area of ON.

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Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE)  

The Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) Division is dedicated to the advancement of research, teaching, and service in the area of relationships between organizations and the natural environment.

  last person joined 4 days ago

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